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Welcome to your new Streamline site!

Congratulations! You are officially your own webmaster!

Don't worry, you got this. Here's what you need to get started:

  1. Sign up for a Getting Started training via the Getting Started page!
  2. Make sure you are able to log in to this site (sign in link is in the lower right)
  3. Begin customizing the site content, beginning with updating your contact info (in the Preferences tab)

Watch our 16-minute Quick Start video!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where did all this content come from?! What should I do with it?!

We have built this site according to best practices from districts with similar services and requirements. Much of the content here serves as "example" content that you can use to build off of, or remove entirely if you prefer!

Most of it just needs to be customized with your information -- i.e. where you see "Sample Board Member" you can replace it with the name of a real board member. If you prefer not to post specific pages or sections, it's really easy to remove or hide them altogether. 

Is my site live yet?

The website is accessible via the internet, but only if you have the URL of the site (i.e. -- so yes, it's "live" but not really in a way that people can find. Once you have completed the required steps to go live (see link below), reach out to us, and we'll take your site live to the world -- that is, submit it to major search engines and make sure it's easily visible to anyone looking for you.

Check out our pre-go live checklist here.

What if I want to use a custom domain instead? (i.e.

You can do that! Let us know you'd like to either use a domain you've already purchased, or you can have us manage your domain for you by signing up for Concierge Services; reach out to us for more information!

Learn more about domains and website hosting here.

What do I need to do to take my site live?

You can check out the requirements for your site in the Dashboard tab, then by navigating to the Transparency tab you'll see when logged into the site. Each state's requirements differ, but the checklist is designed to help you identify and upload those items to your website. These are the required items you need; everything else is largely discretionary.

Learn more about completing your Transparency dashboard here.

Much of the work you will do on your site will involve posting meetings and agendas, which are a near-universal requirement. You will do that by using the Meetings Dashboard to post and update your meetings, agendas, and all related documents.

Learn more about managing your Meetings dashboard here.

What if I have questions about the site, what to post, or how to post it?

You have unlimited support for your Streamline site! We'll teach you what you need to know in the Getting Started training, but it's very common to have questions moving forward. You can create unlimited support tickets via the Support tab you'll see when logged in to the site.

Do I need to keep this page?

No :) Feel free to use it as a reference while getting your bearings, but this page should be deleted before you go live!

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